???? Solid week of workouts here with a lot of skill work, continuing adding load on the bench press, and increasing your volume on these MetCons. Get signed in for the week!
Strength: Deadlift
Workout: Cardio Choice and Heavy Deadlift intervals
Workout: Wall Balls, Up-Downs, and Box Jumps with increasing height
Finisher: Arm pump with multiple curl variations
Benchmark Workout: “Hurricane” works through Rowing (or other cardio), Toes-to-Bar, and Push Press
Strength: Bench Press
Skill: Jump Rope practice
Workout: 2 separate EMOM style pieces going from Jump Rope, Russian KB Swings, Goblet Lunges, and Plank Holds into Jump Rope, Plate G2OH, Plate Squats, and Side Planks
Skill: Pull Up practice
Workout: Multiple pieces that include DB Floor Press, Situps, then a Pulling Option. At most it’s Pull Ups, Chest to Bar, and Bar Muscle Ups
Strength: Bear Complex
Workout of the Week: “Unbearable” has the Bear Complex along with either a Cal Bike/Row or Run