Week Preview for 9/18/23

???? Solid week of workouts here with a lot of skill work, continuing adding load on the bench press, and increasing your volume on these MetCons. Get signed in for the week!

Amanda Paul DB HPCJ
Amanda and Paul working on DB Hang Power Clean & Jerks


Strength: Deadlift
Workout: Cardio Choice and Heavy Deadlift intervals

Workout: Wall Balls, Up-Downs, and Box Jumps with increasing height
Finisher: Arm pump with multiple curl variations

Benchmark Workout: “Hurricane” works through Rowing (or other cardio), Toes-to-Bar, and Push Press
Strength: Bench Press

Skill: Jump Rope practice
Workout: 2 separate EMOM style pieces going from Jump Rope, Russian KB Swings, Goblet Lunges, and Plank Holds into Jump Rope, Plate G2OH, Plate Squats, and Side Planks

Skill: Pull Up practice
Workout: Multiple pieces that include DB Floor Press, Situps, then a Pulling Option. At most it’s Pull Ups, Chest to Bar, and Bar Muscle Ups

Strength: Bear Complex
Workout of the Week: “Unbearable” has the Bear Complex along with either a Cal Bike/Row or Run

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