Week Preview for 3/13/23

Austin Snatch 23.3

🔷 The 300 Miles in March board is looking good so far but we need to keep the pace going!

🔷 Our new website is live! If you have any friends, family, or colleagues interested in getting in on the fun then send them over to book a free intro consult.

Austin Snatch 23.3
Austin hitting a few last snatches during the 23.3 Open WOD



Kicking off the week with a strength building day.  Tempo Front Squats for strength time then a moderate-lower intensity MetCon with 200m Runs, Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups, and Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Press.


Lots of upper body as we hit a Bench Press session for strength time then we have a retest workout. This one is all gymnastics on a descending ladder working through Strict Pull Ups, Strict Knees-to-Elbow, and Strict Ring Dips.


Doing an Oly session for strength time. Options are a Power Clean + Hang Clean, Power Clean doubles, or Hang Power Cleans. The MetCon is a spicy one to bring some intensity with Power Cleans and Bar-Facing Burpees.


Interval work so you can choose your intensity working through Cal Rows, a Kettlebell movement (Russian KB Swings, Single-Arm RKBS, or KB Snatches), and Box Jump Overs. Good conditioning to break up the week then we hit a core cash out with Hollow Rocks and Russian Twists.


Working the Push Press for strength time with a chance for a little PR if feeling good. MetCon is an interval of 200m Runs, Push Ups, and max Double Unders in time remaining. Solid bodyweight conditioning and skill to finish off the work week.


We have 3 separate AMRAPs today. Reps go down but load goes up as we practice the Toes-to-Bar and Deadlift. This will tax your grip and core so be smart on your load choices and stay focused on your movement quality.

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