Week Preview for 9/11/23

???? Big “Hero” style workout coming on Monday! Adjust/Scale as needed based on your fitness needs for the day. It’s a long one so make sure you can come back in the next day.

JP Eric Bench Press
Everyone loves bench day!


Benchmark Workout: “Stand Tall” has Rowing, Running, Deadlifts, Box Jumps, and Pull Ups

Workout: Longer AMRAP of Cardio Choice, Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press, Plate Ground to Overhead, and Up Downs
Strength: Post WOD Bench Press

Strength: EMOM of a Clean Complex
Workout: Toes to Bar, Hang Power Cleans, and Power Cleans

Strength: Overhead Squat
Workout: Runs, OHS, and Handstand Push Ups

Workout: Cardio, Back Rack Lunges, and Rope Climbs

Skill: Gymnastic Pulling Option
Workout: EMOM with DB Hang Power Clean & Jerk, Box Jump Overs, and Muscle Up/Pull Up (or other pulling option)

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