Week Preview for 9/14/20

???? We’ll be monitoring the storm, Sally, and providing updates via our private Facebook group on any schedule changes.  Class cancellations due to the storm will also be reflected in your Zenplanner app so always be sure to sign up in advance and check before heading to the gym.

???? There are still AT-HOME workout options in that track via your Beyond the Whiteboard app so go follow if you’re not in case the gym does have to close for any reason with the storm.


IMG 5582
Marshall getting inverted for Strict Handstand Push Ups




Push Press strength work building to heavy triples or singles then a chipper workout with Cal Rowing, light Front Squats, Lateral Burpees over Bar, light Clean & Jerks, and Bar Muscle Ups (or other progressions).



Strength work is Tall Box Jumps with Weighted Pull Ups.  Conditioning work is a couplet of Parallette Pass Throughs and Dumbbell Snatches.



Starting with Snatch work then a fast-paced AMRAP of 200m Runs and Overhead Squats.



Bulgarian Split Squats for some solid leg work then a triplet of Toes-to-Bar, Push Ups, and Box Jump Overs.



Bench day hitting sets of 10 then a light and fast triplet of Hang Power Clean & Jerks, Deadlifts, and Double Unders. 



Partner workout is a descending ladder of Runs and Wall Balls.  You’ll both run then get a break as you work together to get through the sets of wall balls.  

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