Bench Press for a deload day. We’ll go heavy again with a chance to max next week. Workout is an EMOM format building strength in gymnastics with Ring Push Ups, Strict Pull Ups, and Air Squats. Lower intensity to kick off the week.
Longer runs with heavy squat cleans! Challenge yourself to make this a longer workout but we’ll adjust the runs and loading based on your needs for the day.
Intervals of Double Unders and Cal Rowing. Rows should be higher intensity this day so push the pace! Strength work post WOD doing Single-Leg Kettlebell Deadlifts and Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows.
Shoulder Press strength work doing volume again and increasing from last week. Fun setup on this workout where we’ll have 10 minutes to complete rounds of Push Press and Toes-to-Bar then get max reps of Shuttle Runs in the remaining time.
Front Squat strength increasing load and lowering reps from last week. Workout will be a triplet that we’ll retest and of course it’s also challenging so push the pace as able. Burpees, Dumbbell Snatches, and Dumbbell Thrusters makeup this benchmark we call “Ellen”.
Partner workout splitting reps as needed pushing through Cal Rowing, Deadlifts, and Russian Kettlebell Swings. Challenging loads on this one so choose wisely!