Front squats for strength work before taking on a Running Fran variation. Keep it moderate today on the squats as we’ll build load over the month to a max attempt. We all know Fran is tough but the runs are a nice break from the reps so the intensity will be completely different!
Practicing the Hang Power Snatch with doubles before going into a challenging but quick triplet of Wall Balls, Lateral Burpees over the Bar, and Power Snatches.
Bench Day for strength doing a superset again with Push Ups. AMRAP of Box Jumps and Toes-to-Bar for conditioning. Lower reps and moderate time to keep moving.
Longer one but on an interval so rest is involved. 200m Runs, Kettlebell Swings, and Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull for conditioning followed by 1/2 Kneeling Dumbbell Press and Hollow Rocks for post workout strength work.
Shoulder Press strength work with lots of sets and reps today building those shoulders. Quick and dirty couplet of Dumbbell Clean & Jerks with Goblet Lunges.
Partner workout splitting reps through a pyramid of Cal Row, Double Under, and Pull Ups. Challenge yourself and work together to chip through this one.