Week Preview for 8/22/22

????  Be careful on the ally drive…hole still there.

???? Please respect and be aware of other clients.  Saw a poor representation this past Saturday of many late cancels.  If schedule permits, get to class because we all want to see you!


IMG 2550
Elizabeth working the HSPU with a deficit




Deadlifts for strength time.  Get a little heavy then drop it down for the MetCon as we work through a few AMRAP cycles of Deadlifts, Hang Squat Cleans, and Double Unders.



Going overhead with the Push Jerk during strength time working triples so build as able there practicing using  your legs & hips.  Workout is quick descending ladder of Toes-t0-Bar and Push Ups.



Working a Back Squat 3 x 10 for strength followed by a couplet of heavy Russian Kettlebell Swings and Med Ball Box

Step Ups.  Strength focused day on the lower body.



Bench Day hitting sets of 5 then an interval workout.  This triplet is Single-Arm Dumbbell Hang Power Clean & Push Press, Strict Pull Up, and Cal Rowing.



Practicing the Power Clean with a complex strength time.  MetCon is a quick couplet of Rowing, Hang Power Clean, and Bar-Facing Burpees.



Partner WOD!  Splitting reps as needed working through Wall Balls, Power Snatches, and Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups.

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