Week Preview for 8/15/22

🔷 There is a hole in the concrete in the alley off of Exchequer so be careful on your way to the gym if you take that route.


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Class getting their sweat on




Getting in those squats to start the week.  Working Tempo Front Squats to drill in good habits followed by a few sets of regular Front Squats keeping those good habits.  MetCon is a kettlebell workout with Russian Kettlebell Swings and Single-Arm Kettlebell Thrusters.



Bench day working a few challenging sets followed by two burnout sets.  We’ve got a multiple cycle AMRAP of Burpee Strict Pull Ups, Strict Ab Mat Situps, and light Push Jerks for conditioning.



Hitting triples on the Deadlift followed by a solid couplet of Wall Balls and Hang Power Cleans.



Longer AMRAP that includes 400m Runs, Toes-to-Bar, Box Jump Overs, and Strict Handstand Push Ups.  Great opportunity to practice gymnastics!



Working a Snatch Complex for skill then we have an interval workout of Rowing, Hang Power Snatches, and Overhead Squats.  Two rounds of bigger sets to push through will be a good ending to the work week.



Partner WOD has Cal Rows, Push Ups, Pull Ups, and a Run!  You’ll be splitting reps but both running on this longer workout.

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