Week Preview for 8/14/23

???? Deload Week on the Olympic lifts! Keep it light and continue to dial in good habits then we’ll have a chance to max it out next week while feeling more fresh. We’ve still got great workouts this week but the strength sessions will be lighter to let the body recover and build back stronger.

???? Please be respectful of others with your signing in and cancelling. Some class times are getting busy so don’t hold a spot if you won’t use it. As I’ve mentioned, we will have to install fees if this becomes more of a problem. With that said, PM people…….get signing up earlier! We love to see more people are coming throughout the day and so do others! There are some people who won’t jump in if someone else hasn’t yet so get the train rolling and sign in.

Paul KB hold
Paul & Brandi just hanging around

Skill: Strict Ring or Box Dips
Workout: Multiple AMRAPs of 150m Run, Double DB Front Rack Lunges, and Ring Dips

Strength: Quick EMOM of Hang Power Clean + Squat Clean
Benchmark Workout: “Supersonic” is a high round, low rep workout with heavier Power Cleans, Box Jump Overs, and Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Strength: Quick EMOM of Push Jerk + Split Jerk
Workout: Interval workout with Wall Walks, Push Press, and Wall Balls

Workout: Interval work with Double Unders and Rowing. Great day to sweat and practice those dubs!
Finisher: Rower Glute Bridge Ups, Rower Pike Ups, along with Calf & Tib Raises

Strength: Quick EMOM of Hang Power Snatch + Squat Snatch
Workout: AMRAP of Row/Bike/Run (your choice) and Hang Snatches (power or squat)

Workout: Long one with multiple AMRAPs! Working on Push Ups, Farmer Box Step Ups, Burpee, Toes to Bar, and Box Jumps. Solo or Partner options!

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