Week Preview for 7/31/23

???? Here comes August along with Week 5 of the Oly and Gymnastics Cycle! We started pulling from the ground again last week and will continue that this week with heavier loads. These should still be quality lifts but feeling easier than before.

???? Stay consistent this month and work hard as we’ll be re-testing those Oly lifts (the Snatch + Clean & Jerk) at the end of the month! You will continue to see gymnastics volume strength workouts through the month as well.

Brandi Peter and Rahul hang power snatch
Brandi, Peter, and Rahul working through Hang Power Snatches

Strength: Overhead Squats (or Front/Back Squat)
Workout: Cardio Choice along with Push Ups and Situps as a simple but solid start to the week

Strength: Snatch and Snatch Pulls
Workout: Hang Power Snatch, Overhead Squat, and Double Unders for a quick and spicy one

Strength: Bar Muscle Ups or another pulling variation
Workout: Plate Ground to Overhead, Plate OH Lunge, with max reps of Bar Muscle Up or Pulling Variation

Strength: Split Jerk
Workout: Shoulder to Overhead + Running on an increasing ladder

Strength: Cleans and Clean Pulls
Workout of the Week: “Sudden Impact” includes Toes-to-Bar and Hang Squat Cleans

Workout: Cardio Choice, Up Downs, DB Suitcase Lunges, and DB Farmers Carry on a longer clock for a good sweat

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