Week Preview for 7/27/20

???? Final week of the month!  Get those push ups in if you’re doing the challenge and get your workouts in to make the July Committed Club.  ????

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If you can’t have fun while you’re lifting and coaching then what are you even doing?



Snatch complex then an EMOM style workout with Devil’s Press, Rowing, and Double Unders.  High heart rate with work and rest intervals.



Two separate AMRAP couplets starting with Strict Pull Ups and Wall Balls then Dumbbell Shoulder Press and Dumbbell Box Step Ups.  Intensity mixed with strength components.



Heavier day starting with Front Squat strength work then heavy Power Cleans and 100m Runs.



Push Press strength work then a triplet of Toes-to-Bar, Bar-Facing Burpee, and light Push Jerks for a classic looking CrossFit workout.



Deadlift doubles then a short chipper of Rowing, Russian Kettlebell Swings, and Overhead Squats.



Amanda’s Birthday Workout!  Partner AMRAP with 400m Runs, Pull Ups, Box Jump Overs, and Single-Arm Dumbbell Thrusters.

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