???? CFBR Summer League is almost here! Keep up with your training so you an participate safely and have fun with it.
Working a complex with the Power Clean and Front Squat for strength time to practice technique and prep for a fun MetCon on deck. It’s a two-part AMRAP working Pull Ups and Front Squats to start then Handstand Push Ups and Power Cleans on the next one.
Bench day! Working a few heavy sets then lighter sets to burnout those shoulders. Hit it good because you won’t need arms on the MetCon working through 400m Runs, Box Jumps, and Strict Ab Mat Situps. Nice conditioning day!
Building to something heavy on the Deadlift then working through an AMRAP of Single-Arm Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches, Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunges, and Lateral Burpees over the Dumbbell.
Interval day working through Cal Rows, Toes-to-Bar, and Double Unders. Great day to practice these movements and you can go as hard or as easy as needed based on your training schedule.
Building strength on the Back Squat before going into a fun barbell WOD. We’ve got Shoulder Press, Bent over Barbell Rows, and Overhead Squats to end the work week.
Partner WOD! Longer one working through heavy Russian Kettlebell Swings, Strict Pull Ups, and 400m Runs. Great conditioning day while also building strength on the swings and pull ups.