???? We’re in Week 2 of the Oly and Gymnastics cycle! Keeping it lighter this week to drill in technique and speed first. The heavier loads will come soon enough. You will see percentages or RPE attached as a guide. The percentages will matter more to the advanced athlete who has a true 1RM for the lift. Most people will need to use the RPE as a guide for keeping it to light/moderate/heavy.
Strength: Push Jerk
Workout: 200m Runs, Heavy Shoulder to Overhead, and Ring Dips
Strength: High Hang Cleans and Hang Clean Pulls
Workout of the Week: “Thigh of the Tiger” includes Hang Squat Cleans and Box Jump Overs
Strength: Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Workout: EMOM of a complex (C2B + T2B + Up-Down), KB Farmers Hold, and a rest or easy cardio minute
Strength: Front Squat
Workout: Interval Rounds of Front Rack Lunges and Double Unders
Strength: High Hang Snatch and Hang Snatch Pulls
Workout: 200m Runs with Renegade Rows + DB Power Clean (may sub bike/row)
Workout: “Fight Gone Bad”