We’re now into Phase 2 protocols which means things are getting closer to normal. Keep up the momentum in the gym as we continue to improve fitness together.
Class caps are currently now 12 clients during the week and we’ll likely go back to 15 before long. We’ll be continuing our rigorous cleaning procedures as we did before and during Phase 1 to keep everyone as safe as possible. Thank you for your continued help in cleaning your areas as well as keeping appropriate distance.
Members, go check out the accompanying video in our private group and you may peek below for an outline of the week’s programming.
CrossFit: Power Clean + Front Squat complex then Kettlebell workout with Single-Arm Swings and Front Squats
At-Home: Dumbbell (or Kettlebell) workout with Single-Arm Swings and Front Squats
Bodyweight: Air Squats, Glute Bridges, Hollow Rocks, and Planks
Notes: Getting in some barbell practice then hitting the KB for conditioning while we focus mainly on lower body and core today.
CrossFit: Gymnastic strength with Strict Pull Ups and Ring Support Holds then conditioning with Strict Knees to Elbow, Box Jumps, and Double Unders
At-Home: Conditioning with Strict Knees to Elbow, Box Jumps, and Double Unders
Bodyweight: V-Ups, Jumping Lunges, and Lateral Hops
Notes: Bodyweight day doing upper body pulling, core work, and plyo.
CrossFit: Pause Push Press then Hang Clean & Jerks + 400m Runs
At-Home: Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks + 400m Runs
Bodyweight: Push Ups + 400m Runs
Notes: Drilling in good habits and explosiveness with the pause push press then stretching those legs out on some runs with lighter barbell work between.
CrossFit: Deadlifts, Burpees, and Wall Ball shots
At-Home: DB Deadlift, Burpee, and DB Thrusters
Bodyweight: Burpee, Lunges, and Situps
Notes: Full body workout but you’ll feel a lot in the lower half today.
CrossFit: Rowing, Strict Ring Dips, 200m Runs, and Hang Power Snatches
At-Home: Runs, Dips, and DB Hang Snatches
Bodyweight: Runs and Dips
Notes: Conditioning workout mixed with a good bit of upper body work to end the week.
CrossFit: Power Cleans, Push Ups, and Air Squats
At-Home: DB Power Cleans, Push Ups, and Air Squats
Bodyweight: Push Ups, Flutter Kicks, and Air Squats
Notes: Pulling a light to moderate load on the power cleans mixed with volume on push ups and air squats for a classic triplet.