Week Preview for 6/15/20


???? If you haven’t yet done so, check your email for the #StayForMay gift cards worth $100 to O2, Born Primitive, Bear Komplex, and Puori.  Deadline to use is June 25th so get to it!


???? Now that things are getting back to somewhat normal we’re discussing bringing back a Summer League event either end of July or early August.  Chime in on the FB group and let us know if you’re interested!  Discussing either individual or partner type event.


IMG 4481
Coach Christian hitting some demos during Phase 1



CrossFit: Back Squat Strength then Strict Pull Up, Box Step Up, and Burpee

At-Home: Strict Pull Up (or DB Row), Box Step Up, and Burpee

Bodyweight: Lunge and Burpee

Notes:  Getting back to building up some leg strength with 3 x 8 squat then hitting and AMRAP triplet for pulling strength, single-leg work, and conditioning.



CrossFit: Power Snatch strength/skill then Row, Power Snatch, Run

At-Home: Run, DB Snatch

Bodyweight: Run, Push Up

Notes:  Working triples on power snatch for practice then a quick chipper with the Row, light snatches or ground-to-overhead and a run finisher.



CrossFit: Strict HSPU for strength then T2B and Russian KB Swing

At-Home: T2B and Russian DB Swing

Bodyweight: V-Up and Jumping Lunge

Notes:  Strength work on Upper Body Pushing then ascending ladder AMRAP with T2B and RKBS



CrossFit: Hang Clean then Running and Front Squats

At-Home: DB Front Squat and Running

Bodyweight: Air Squats and Running

Notes:  Taking on Hang Clean doubles for barbell work then a quick couplet with light front squats and short runs



CrossFit: Deadlift strength then Double Unders, DB Snatches, and Lateral Burpees

At-Home: Double Unders, DB Snatches, and Lateral Burpees

Bodyweight: Lateral Hops, Situps, and Burpees

Notes:  Pulling on some heavier loads then we’ve got a buy-in/out of dubs with DB snatches and burpees between for a great conditioning workout



CrossFit: Box Jump, Wall Ball, and Pull Up

At-Home: Box Jump, DB Thruster, and Pull Up

Bodyweight: Jumping Squat and Push Up

Notes:  Bringing back a partner workout but we’re alternating full rounds so you don’t need to share equipment

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