Week Preview for 6/1/20

It has been great being back in the gym with everyone these last couple of weeks.  Feels like things are starting to get back to more normal.  Hopefully we’ll have good news and be onto Phase 2 this week and update our protocols accordingly.


For now, check out the week preview along with the video in our private group for more explanation.  Start planning your week and signing into those classes!


IMG 4379
One of our groups taking on Murph last week



CrossFit: Deadlift strength then Runs and T2B

At-Home: Runs and T2B

Bodyweight: Runs and V-Up

Notes:  Hitting lower body hinging strength then good conditioning and core/shoulder work.



CrossFit: Snatches from the Hang then an ascending ladder Med Ball Clean + Push Up WOD

At-Home:  DB Squat Cleans + Push Up

Bodyweight: Air Squats + Push Up

Notes:  Moving the bar around with some speed for snatch work then a 10 minute workout that should have you moving and breathing the whole time.



CrossFit: Clean Pulls + Power Cleans for strength & skill then Burpees, Power Cleans, and Lateral Hops over the Barbell

At-Home:  Burpee, DB Power Clean, and Lateral Hops over DB

Bodyweight: Burpee, Broad Jumps, and Lateral Hops

Notes:  Getting to practice some heavier cleans then light power cleans along with the hops in the workout will have you breathing heavy along with a burpee buy-in and buy-out.



CrossFit: Strict Pull Up strength work then a descending ladder of Russian KB Swings, Lunges, and Ab Mat Situps

At-Home:  DB Swings, Lunges, and Ab Mat Situps

Bodyweight: Lunges, Situps, and Russian Twists

Notes:  Building back up the pulling strength then hitting a smooth conditioning workout to break up the intensity of the week.



CrossFit: Push Jerks, Double Unders, and Air Squats

At-Home:  DB Push Jerks, Double Unders, and Air Squats

Bodyweight: Push Up, Jumping Jack, and Air Squat

Notes:  Higher volume on this one with a rest between rounds to keep intensity high but allow recovery.



CrossFit: DB Snatch, Box Jump Over, and 400m Runs

At-Home:  DB Snatch, Box Jump Over, and 400m Runs

Bodyweight: Burpee, Hollow Rock, and 400m Runs

Notes:  You’ll be breathing the whole time on this one getting a good sweat to start the weekend.

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