Week Preview for 6/7/21

IMG 8309
Ben working through pull ups during Murph




Kicking it off with a nice triplet of Power Snatches, Pull Ups, and Bar-Facing Burpees.  We’ll practice the Power Snatch in our strength period.



Quick Back Squat session then a slightly longer AMRAP of Box Jumps, V-Ups, and Single-Arm Russian Kettlebell Swings.



Workout has bigger sets of Strict Ring Dips, Double Unders, and light Push Jerks.  Post-WOD strength has Bent over Barbell Rows and Front Rack Reverse Lunges.



Sets of 10 on Deadlift then Dumbbell Snatches, Strict Pull Ups, and Knees to Elbow.



Practicing heavier Push Jerks for strength then a couplet of Rowing and Wall Balls.



PARTNER WOD alternating rounds of 200m Runs and “DT” rounds.

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