Shorter couplet with Push Ups and Single-Arm Dumbbell Squat Cleans to kick off the week. Post workout strength with Toes-to-Bar and Dumbbell Rows to mix things up.
Lots of cleans this day! Practicing the movement with the complex for strength period then hitting some volume in the workout with Power Cleans and 400m Runs. Solid workout to push through.
Tempo Front Squats for strength work. We’ll have a 5-second bottom hold this day to keep things lighter and really drill in that position! Workout is a spicy little triplet of Thrusters, Pull Ups, and Box Jump Overs. Good news, it is an AMRAP so the clock will stop you.
Bench Day! Building load and working down a ladder on those sets. Interval workout with Cal Rowing, Kettlebell or Dumbbell Snatches from the hang, and either Parallette Pass Throughs or Renegade Rows.
Heavy Deadlift day. Working singles or higher volume depending on where you are on the Level Method MAP. Cruising through a triplet of 200m Runs, Walking Lunges, and Ab Mat Situps to close out the work week.
Partner WOD has Wall Balls, Ring Rows, and Double Unders. You’re splitting as needed today on this longer AMRAP!