Working on the Snatch or Clean with another complex like we had last week for strength time. Hitting a couplet of Toes-to-Bar and Overhead Squats for the workout to work the core, legs, and shoulders.
Doing a Pause Push Press + Push Press complex to drill in good habits in the bottom position of the dip. Let’s learn to use those legs and hips! Workout will have 400m Runs, Hand-Release Push Ups, and Sumo Deadlift High Pulls.
Heavy Day working on the Power Clean & Jerk. Using strength time to build load then using an EMOM format with Clean & Jerks and Double Unders for a workout.
Skill work on Muscle Ups and Handstand Holds then a triplet of Single Dumbbell Box Step Overs, Pull Ups, and Ab Mat Situps on a larger rep scheme. Good news is it’s an AMRAP so you can push through what you can today.
Quick Back Squat session working moderate load on a 3 x 5 for strength work. Workout is the popular benchmark workout “Karen” so lots of wall balls on the chart. We’ll have other volume options so you can get the appropriate workout and keep quality.
Partner workout will have Rowing, Deadlifts, and Bar-Facing Burpees! Split work as needed and power through.