???? Our current text line will be gone later this month. The new number to text the gym is: 225-351-2285
???? Happy Father’s Day to all the strong ???? CFBR dads!
???? No Shows: have to stop! Please do not hold a space in classes that others could use. We will have to implement fees if this continues.
Workout: Rowing, Situps, Back Race Lunges, and Rope Climbs
Skill: Muscle Up (rings)
Workout: Burpee Muscle Up, Double Unders, and Shoulder to Overhead
Workout: Intervals of 100m Runs, Deadlifts, and Wall Balls
Workout: EMOM of Rowing/Bike/Run, Plate Ground to Overhead, and Plank Holds
Workout: 2-Parter! Box Jump Overs, Pull Ups, and DB Hang Snatches followed by a period to find a heavy/max Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch
Strength: Bench Press
Workout: Front Squats and Burpees over the Bar