???? Heading into another week of some more complex workouts! Please help everyone out and check them out on your BTWB app before heading into the gym. Remember you can adjust the Performance and Fitness options as needed!
???? CrossFit BR turned 11 on Sunday the 11th! Thank you all for the support to help us make it this far.
Strength: Hang Clean + Front Squat Complex
Workout: 200m Runs, Hang Power Cleans, and Front Squats
Skill: Back Rack Lunges (warmup) and practicing the Gymnastic Pulling option of your choice
Workout: Cal Rows, Back Rack Lunges, and Bar Muscle Ups (or other pulling progression)
Skill: Practicing the Handstand Push Up
Workout: Single DB Devils Press along with HSPU and Box Jump Overs
Quality Workout: Cardio Choice, Suitcase Carries, Curls, and Front Rack Carries, and Pullovers (all with KB/DB of choice)
Workout of the Week: Double Unders, Deadlifts, Wall Balls, and Toes-to-Bar
Workout: Short Runs (or bike/row option) along with Up-Downs and DB Renegade Rows
Finisher: Upright Rows, Bent over Rows, and DB Gun Holds