Week Preview for 5/8/23

???? Keep it going on the May Pull Up Challenge! Chat with a coach if you have questions on the movements and reps you should be doing to improve.

???? Last call for orders on the CFBR American Shirt. Use the Google Sheet that has been texted out and dropped into the FB group.

???? Tip for the Week: Many of you aren’t here to win any awards or snatch 300 pounds. Most of you are here to improve your life and make essential things easier to do and that’s perfect! We’re here to improve your health as this is only a “sport” for the top 0.001%. But we still want to see you all improving and more than anything….moving well. A lot of times we hear, “I’m just here to move around.” That is totally understandable but we can come in to “move around” while still “moving well” and focusing on what we’re doing.

IMG 4082
The boys doing some wall balls


Snatch day! Practicing a complex during strength time with a Snatch Pull + Snatch using the pull to drill in better habits. Our MetCon has 200m Runs and light Power Snatches so a chance to push the pace while keeping quality reps.

Working a couple AMRAPs of Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatches, AbMat Situps, and Lateral Burpees over the Dumbbell as our conditioning work. Post-WOD strength has Split Squats to help with imbalances. You can also use this to level up on the LM MAP today too.

Bench Press strength time followed by a spicy interval of Pull Ups and Cal Rows. Good day to build volume on the pull ups and/or really push the row pace!

Hang Power Clean for strength time with a shot to PR in LM or overall. Simple yet effective couplet with volume on the Russian KB Swing and Push Ups.

Hitting doubles on the Front Squat for strength work so use the position work we’ve been doing. Shorter one with intensity working through Med Ball Cleans and a heavier Push Jerk.

Longer one that includes 400m Runs, Toes-to-Bar, and Power Cleans for a super-CrossFit-y WOD to kick off your weekend!

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