Week Preview for 5/15/23

???? Let’s pick up the pace for the end of the month on this Pull Up Challenge! Chat with a coach if you have questions or need direction of your best pull up progressions.

???? Murph is right around the corner now on Memorial Day. You can start signing for either the 8am or 9am slot to make sure you get in. We’ll post plenty of adjustments to the workout so anyone can participate!

???? BTWB Logging Reminder: please click “Changed Weights/Movements/Etc.” if you changed ANY part of the written workout. This helps not skew results in the worldwide app!

Coach Tony med ball cleans
Coach Tony getting his class setup for Med Ball Cleans

Starting the week with a quick Deadlift session (3 x 5) followed by a triplet of Deadlifts, Hang Power Cleans, and Box Jump Overs for your MetCon.

Murph prep! Working a longer AMRAP of 200m Runs & Rounds of Cindy.

Working the Push Jerk in triples for strength time. MetCon is a descending ladder of Dumbbell Snatches and Strict AbMat Situps. Just getting some movement after yesterday’s workout!

Simple yet effective longer conditioning workout of Rowing, Single-DB Box Step Ups, and Double Unders. Slower pace before the next couple of days. Post-WOD has Lateral Raises and Cuban Presses for shoulder health.

Power Clean singles for strength time so have some fun but keep quality reps! MetCon is a triplet of Strict Handstand Push Ups, Power Cleans, and Toes-to-Bar that will keep you moving.

MetCon is a descending ladder of Wall Balls and Burpee Box Jump Overs! We also have a quick cash-out of Tabata Push Ups and Tabata Hollow Rocks.

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