Week Preview for 5/29/23

🔷 Murph! Arrive early for your heat to warmup on your own as this will be ran more as an event than a class. Doors open at 7:30am for the 8am heat. There will be a 60-minute clock running so the 9am heat will begin as that clock rolls over. We’ll do a quick whiteboard review, the national anthem, and shoot to start no later than 8:05am-8:10am.

🔷 Shirt reprint! We redid the fan favorite CFBR American design and there are extras in the lobby! Grab one before they are gone again.

CFBR American Shirts

“Murph” – we’ve got Running, Pull Ups, Push Ups, and Air Squats.

Come in and work out that soreness from Murph! Doing Hang Power Cleans for a skill/strength session followed by interval work of light Hang Power Cleans, Strict AbMat Situps, and Cal Rowing in time remaining. If you missed Murph then come in and push the pace!

Working an AMRAP triplet of Lunges, Double Unders, and Dumbbell Snatches. Another good one to move but not go crazy if needed. Post-WOD has accessory work with Lateral Raises and the Cuban Press for shoulder health.

Overhead Squat triples for strength time then we’ve got a descending ladder of Toes-to-Bar and Box Jump Overs for a fun couplet.

Practicing a Pause Push Jerk + Push Jerk for the strength/skill period. This will help drill in good habits before heading into the MetCon. It’s a triplet of Push Jerks, Deadlifts, and Lateral Burpees over the Bar.

Longer AMRAP working through 200m Runs, Single-Arm Dumbbell Squat Cleans, and Ring Rows.

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