Week Preview for 5/24/21

🔷 Murph heats are set for 7am and 8am next Monday on Memorial Day.  Those will be our only workout times that day.  We’ll have plenty of options to get you the right workout that morning so come on in!

🔷 We’ll have the last bit of Level Method testing for the current round this week.  Let’s finish with a few more PRs to end this cycle of testing!


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Tony with eyes of determination working through heavy cleans




Working on the Push Jerk for strength time then doing a moderate volume triplet of Toes-to-Bar, Box Jump Overs, and 200m Runs.   Keep moving to start the week with a nice workout.



Kettlebell Test!  We’ll do the EMOM of the Kettlebell Test then another EMOM for Skill/Strength work on an Upper Body Pushing movement.  That could be Strict Handstand Push Ups, HSPU Piked on a Box, Dumbbell Press, or Push Ups.



Practicing the Overhead Squat for strength work then working on an AMRAP of Pull Ups, Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans, and Dumbbell Walking Lunges (DB at sides).  This will get grippy but a great mid-week workout.



Testing Neurological and Core Endurance, Running, and (if needed) Flexibility!



Hitting some heavy Cleans for strength time then another fun Chipper Friday with Cal Rows, Push Jerks, Deadlifts, Push Ups, and Power Cleans.



Simple yet effective partner workout with Lateral Burpees over the Dumbbell and Dumbbell Snatches.  Needed a solid workout but nothing to make Murph worse on Monday.

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