Week Preview for 5/2/22

???? More Level Method Assessments coming this week along with a great Benchmark Girl WOD.  Possibly 2 benchmarks if you’ve tested into Annie as well on Thursday.  Make time in your schedule for fitness and get signing in for those classes.  The better you plan ahead, the more likely it is for you to get to class.

???? SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, June 11th.  We will be celebrating our 10-Year Anniversary that evening!


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Are you ready to run? Have some fun with the tests this week!




Testing the Running category to kick off the week.  Post run pump sesh with Bench Press, Alternating Dumbbell Curls, and Alternating V-Ups.  Big note if you’re running a 400m or 200m is to get in a few extra runs while the milers are going so you have some conditioning work.  Do hit the main one as hard as possible but then do what you can on extra ones.



Weightlifting test!  If you’re at the highest levels for the total we’ll be doing the Clean & Jerk today.  Before then is working through the heavy Russian Kettlebell Swings, then the Hang Power Clean, and finally the Power Clean before going into the Oly Total (C&J + Snatch).  We’ll be testing the snatch next week with another chance to test the other levels too.  MetCon is a quick AMRAP of Clean & Jerks and Box Jumps on an ascending ladder.



We’re taking on the benchmark WOD “Cindy” which is an AMRAP of Pull Ups, Push Ups, and Air Squats.  This will be a great training piece and indicator of your appropriate volume for Murph at the end of the month.  Post WOD mobility work smashing out those tight spots in your calves, quads, glutes, and lats.



Neuro & Core testing today so get ready to PR those Double or Single Unders!  If you’ve been in all week you’ll enjoy a little bit slower day today.  After the test we’ll do midline and glute work with Farmer Carries, Hip Extensions, and Banded Monster Walks.



Ending the work week with a Front Squat session for strength time along with Ring Work between sets.  This could be Ring Support Holds, Strict Ring Dips, or Negative Muscle Ups depending on your progression needed.  Solid conditioning triplet of short Rows, Russian Kettlebell Swings, and Burpees.



Partner WOD!  Working together through Toes-to-Bar, Power Snatches, and Box Jump Overs on a longer AMRAP.


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