???? PARKING: Please park using either our spots or in the lot on the Industriplex side.
Do not park in front of Accurate Delivery in the mornings but she said on their side is okay too. Also, I’d recommend not parking in front of the storage units as they do get used and I don’t want to have to stop you mid-workout to move if someone cannot access their unit.
Our yellow lines are getting a little faded and it is dark early but please try to take a little care when getting into a spot and not going over the lines. We are working on a solution to have those repainted to help out.
???? LEVEL METHOD TESTING: We will be running assessments in classes over the next 4 weeks. They are spread out so we don’t have the stress of doing them daily. Please check the blog weekly so you know what is coming and can make it in those day. As a reminder, if you aren’t ready to test on any day we will just get in a workout and you don’t have to log a level-down if you weren’t 100% that day.
???? SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, June 11th. We will be celebrating our 10-Year Anniversary that evening!
Testing the Upper Body Pushing assessment for strength time so check your LM app and be prepared for what your next test is today. Spicy interval couplet of Clean & Jerks and Lateral Burpees over the Bar. Shorter but higher intensity with a quick rest built in.
Working sets of Pause Front Squats and Front Squats building to something challenging for the day. MetCon has Pull Ups, Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunges, and Ab Mat Situps which will keep you moving for a good triplet.
Interval workout of Devil’s Press and Double Unders will be a heavy breather for conditioning work. Post-WOD strength will have Ring Top & Bottom Support Holds as we do a focus on ring work over the next month.
Skill work on the snatch with a complex of Hang Snatch Pulls and Hang Snatches. Keep it lighter and drill in good habits. Longer but simple workout of 800m Runs and Air Squats for a good conditioning WOD.
Testing the Deadlift and Upper/Lower Endurance! Hopefully you made it in on Monday for the Upper Body Push but let your coach know if not so we can get that done if needed.
Hitting a quick strength session working the Weighted Strict Pull Up or other progression to get ready for testing the Upper Body Pull soon. Fun Partner WOD alternating rounds of 200m Runs, Hang Power Cleans, and Wall Balls.