Week Preview for 5/16/22

???? Final tests this week as we do the API and Rings assessments.  Check the schedule and get in for them!

???? SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, June 11th.  We will be celebrating our 10-Year Anniversary that evening!


IMG 8320
A heat from last year getting ready to start the Hero WOD Murph




Working Deadlifts for strength then a triplet of Strict Pull Ups, Double Unders, and Strict Ab Mat Situps.  Simple and slower paced day yet effective before we take on the API the following day.



Testing Aerobic Power Intervals (API)!  Longer and high volume day.  Pace yourself a hair early and push in the following rounds.



Hitting a Bench Press session for strength time followed by a great conditioning couplet of 400m Runs and Dumbbell Snatches.  Working movements today to work out some soreness from yesterday.



Back Squats for strength work then we’ve got an interval triplet of Cal Rows, Front Squats, and Toes-to-Bar.  You can really push it or pace it depending on how you’re feeling this day.



Testing Rings during our strength session today.  We’ve put in a few practice days over the last weeks so hopefully we’re ready for a PR!  MetCon is a couplet of Power Cleans and Push Ups to get the heart pumping while improving strength too.



Spicy Partner WOD where you’re alternating rounds of Pull Ups, Hang Power Snatches, and Overhead Squats.  It’s light but grippy!  Rounds will likely start off much quicker than they end but shoot to keep moving.

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