???? Great work through this round of Level Method Testing! We’ll have new Overall Level certs on the front counter and taking pics in classes.
???? Being this is a holiday week/weekend, please be sure to sign in for classes early as we will adjust the schedule due to low/empty classes.
???? Showers: Please remove all personal belongings from the shower when you are finished (shampoo, etc.). We do have shelving in the rooms you can leave those items at your own risk but please clear the shower when finished. Also, please do bring a towel. We have a few extra towels and extra shampoo, soap, etc. in case you forget yours but cannot keep up with everyone’s towel as we aren’t equipped for that.
???? Murph is next Monday 5/30! We’re running heats at 8am & 9am. Please sign in now if you can make it so we can get a head count. Going to have a little food after so need a headcount to shop.
???? SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, June 11th. We will be celebrating our 10-Year Anniversary that evening!
Practicing the Push Jerk for strength time with a focus on the dip+drive “jump” portion of the lift. The better you get at using your legs & hips, the more efficient you will be with higher loads and volume. Quick and fun chipper workout to follow with a Row, light Hang Power Clean & Jerks, and Bar-Facing Burpees.
Getting Oly time with the 3-Position Clean. Working the High Hang, Low Hang, and Floor positions for this complex. Practice being explosive from the high hang then getting back through that high hang position from the next two positions. Smooth couplet for conditioning with the Single-Arm Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean and Strict Pull Ups.
Hitting 10’s on the Deadlift for volume work. Keep that barbell close on the way up and down. Trust the hinge on the way down and not going around your knees. Simple and effective interval workout with Weighted Box Step Ups and Double Unders. It’ll be your choice how to load the step ups with 1-2 Dumbbells/Kettlebells and a great opportunity to work on the jump rope skill.
Longer one today with 800m Runs, Push Ups, and Toes-to-Bar for conditioning. Let’s keep some good form on those push ups getting good practice for Murph. Post-WOD has core and bicep work with Hollow Rocks, Russian Twists, and Alternating Dumbbell Curls.
Overhead Squats for strength time! Working triples to get some time on this challenging movement. Conditioning workout is a fun grind of Wall Balls and Med Ball Runs that will be a nice finish to the week.
We’ve got 2 separate partner AMRAPs to kick off the holiday weekend. First one has a challenging load of Clean & Jerks coupled with Box Jump Overs. After a rest period, we’ll hit another couplet with Deadlifts and Lateral Burpees over the Bar.