???? Crawfish Boil is this Saturday, April 9th after class! More info about tickets going up in the FB group and your BTWB app warmup section.
???? SAVE THE DATE: currently planning our 10-Year Anniversary party for the night of June 11th.
???? Murph is coming, be ready!
Hitting 10’s on the Back Squat again so compare to last week and make a small increase if able. Fun couplet of Toes-to-Bar and Overhead Squats on an increasing ladder is our conditioning work.
Doing a quick 4 x 8 on the Shoulder Press then working through a quick chipper of Cal Rowing, Dumbbell Push Press, Ring Rows, and Box Jump Overs.
Snatch work! Practicing the 3-Position Snatch for technique. Workout will have 200m Runs and either the Russian Kettlebell Swing, Single-Arm RKBS, or the Kettlebell Snatch. Choose the movement and loading you need to work on for improving your score the next time we test on Level Method MAP.
Getting gymnasty with the Strict Handstand Push Up and Strict Ring Dip along with Double Unders. Choosing a progression to keep you moving as we work through two separate AMRAPs to gain strength and skill. Finishing with a little more arm pump and core work with the GHD Situp, Bicep Curls, and Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows.
Strength time features a descending rep scheme on the Deadlift. MetCon is a spicy couplet of Wall Balls and Hang Power Cleans. Push the pace here as able!
Partner WOD! Working through Pull Ups, 400m Runs, and light Power Snatches. Little grippy and lots of heavy breathing here on a longer workout.