???? CFBR Crawfish Boil will be on Saturday, April 9th!
???? Memorial Day Murph will be here before we know it so get to training if you’re wanting to improve your time, not die, or possibly do the whole workout. You’ll start seeing some rounds of “Cindy” in warmups plus certain MetCons to help train the group. If you’re interested in something more specific and tailored to you please let a coach know and we can chat.
Practicing the Push Jerk for strength time so focus on a good dip+drive then moving your feet and getting under the bar. Conditioning is a triple of Dumbbell Snatches, Push Ups, and Strict Ab Mat Situps that should be fairly easy to start and get challenging later in the AMRAP.
Oly work on the Clean with doubles so let’s dial in some technique here. MetCon will get a little spicy on the shoulders and grip as you work through Pull Ups, Double Unders, and Hang Power Cleans.
Volume Back Squats with 10’s followed by an interval workout with Cal Rowing and Dumbbell Box Step Ups. Good conditioning and accessory to our strength day.
Interval work with 400m Runs and Toes-to-Bar in remaining time. There’s a nice rest so you should be able to hit the runs a little harder and still have gas for the gymnastics. Post-WOD accessory work of Single-Leg Kettlebell Deadlifts and Monster Walks will finish things off.
Descending ladder on the Bench Press to hit some heavy weights then we’ve got a grindy workout. MetCon has a Kettlebell movement that could be KB Snatches, Single-Arm KB Swings, or Russian KB Swings along with Air Squats and Burpees.
It’s a fun Partner WOD day so get signed in! We’re working a complex of Deadlift + Power Clean + Push Jerk then using that in the workout too. The workout is alternating full rounds of a 200m Run then the same barbell movements on a heavier complex.