???? Thanks to everyone who made it out to the crawfish boil and to Coogler for boiling those tasty bugs! We had our fun now time to sweat it out on Monday.
???? SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, June 11th. CFBR 10-Year Anniversary Party will be held that evening. More details to come soon.
Working Power Cleans for strength time going up to a heavy single. If you PR that or your Hang Power Clean, log in Level Method and let your coach know to approve it! MetCon has a Kettlebell movement (KB snatch, SA RKBS, or RKBS) along with Push Ups and Ab Mat Situps. Last chance to practice the KB before we test again.
Hitting 8’s on the Back Squat as we continue to work volume sets. Increase from the 10’s. Shorter but spicy little AMRAP of Burpee Strict Pull Ups and Single-Arm Dumbbell Thrusters to finish things out.
Practicing the Shoulder Press with a reset at the shoulders. This may limit your loading but will help you practice that initial drive which may up your 1RM next time we test. Interval workout of 400m Runs and light Hang Power Snatches will keep you breathing. The :90 rest will be a nice break to help you keep intensity during the round.
Rowing intervals! Work with a partner to Row 500m then rest while they row. Try to dial in a pace that is challenging but that you can hold as long as possible. Nice longer day to build the engine. Post-WOD accessory has Single-Leg KB Deadlifts and Monster Walks.
Overhead Squats for strength time then a very CrossFit looking chipper of Double Unders, Toes-to-Bar, Squat Cleans, and Pull Ups. This will get grippy so break things up early and focus on quality reps.
Heavy Partner WOD! Working through a pyramid of Deadlifts, Lateral Burpees over the Bar, and Power Cleans.