???? We’ll be going through options for Level Method Testing over the next few weeks. As always, if you don’t feel up to test on any given day just work training sets of whatever needed to improve for the next testing period.
???? Next big event will be doing the workout Murph on Memorial Day. Some of you have noticed us hitting training sessions to prep for that so be sure to make those days and build the volume needed to finish this workout safely!
Runs and Barbell to kick things off! On a 3:00 clock you’re hitting a 400m Run with max reps of Clean & Jerks in remaining time. Fun and potent little couplet.
Testing Upper Body Pulling for strength period. Workout is a triplet of Pull Ups, Russian Kettlebell Swings, and Kettlebell Goblet Squats for a nice full body workout feeling.
Testing Upper Body Pushing for strength period. Doing 2 AMRAPs with a rest between to regroup practicing the Handstand Push Up (or other pushing progression) and the Box Jump Over.
Grippy and core strength workout with lighter volume Deadlifts, heavy Farmer Carries, then Double Unders in there for conditioning. Post workout pump with Barbell Rows and Banded Tricep Extensions.
Ending the work week with 8’s on the Back Squat. If you’re looking to test the 20RM soon, take that load for a test run here. Conditioning triplet is Toes-to-Bar, Lunges, and Dumbbell Snatches.
Two-parter on this partner workout! Starting with an AMRAP of Strict Pull Ups and Strict Ring Dips. You’ll have the option to switch movements as needed to accumulate reps. Part 2 will be alternating rounds for conditioning work. Each round will be a 100m Run plus Burpees.