???? Final Week of the April Push Up Challenge! Keep logging those reps and finish strong!
Working the Back Squat for strength time followed by a two-part MetCon that has Weighted Reverse Lunges + Strict Knees-to-Elbow then Double Unders + Toes-to-Bar.
Hitting Hang Power Cleans for strength time with a chance to get a little heavy. MetCon has Rowing and Hang Power Clean & Jerks with a rest included.
Quick Deadlift strength session then we have a spicy couplet of Deadlifts and Bar-Facing Burpees.
Strength time has Shoulder Press for 5’s then we’ll hit an AMRAP of 200m Runs and Pull Ups. Good chance to build a little volume on pull ups.
Doing a snatch complex for strength time followed by a chipper! That will include Rowing, Wall Balls, Hang Power Snatches, Front Rack Lunges, Push Press, and Lateral Burpees over the Bar. Fun little end to the week.
Kicking off the weekend with a descending ladder workout. The Runs will decrease distance then we’ll also have Air Squats, Box Jump Overs, Power Cleans, and Push Jerks.