Week Preview for 4/1/24

???? New Month and new tests for you! For this week, we want you all to test a 400m Run and a 500m Row. You probably don’t want to do these on the same day so plan as needed. Log it in your BTWB app so we know the score for a re-test…..and log any PRs on the board!

Vance Strict Pull Up
Strict Pull Ups! Get strong first then add on complexity.


Strength: Bench Press
Workout: Box Jumps, Up-Downs, and Hang Power Cleans

Strength: Back Squat
Workout: 200m Runs and Russian KB Swings

Strength: Snatch Complex
Workout: Push Press, Back Rack Lunges, and Rowing with a rest between rounds

Workout: Strict Pull Ups, V-Ups, and Double Unders on a Partition as needed day
Accessory: Cuban Press, Lateral Raise, and Suitcase Carries

Strength: Overhead or Front Squat
Workout: Hang Snatch/Clean, OHS/FS, and Lateral Burpees over Bar

Workout: Deadlifts, Push Ups, and Runs

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