Week Preview for 3/25/24

???? Weekly Tests! We’re getting back to foundations by testing a few movements this week. You can do these tests at any time. If able, grab a coach or trusted friend to count reps and make sure you keep standards. The tests to complete this week are: Max Set of Push Ups, Max Set of Strict Pull Ups, and a Max Set of Double Unders. Modify these movements to your current abilities such as Box Push Ups, Banded Pull Up or Ring Row, and Single Unders. Have some fun and put any PRs up on the board!

???? Good Friday: AM Classes Only (5am, 6am, 9am) on 3/29/24

Group Rowing
Row row row!


Strength: Front Squat
Workout: sprint feel with Wall Balls and Target Burpees

Workout: Cal Rows, Shoulder Press, and Push Press
Accessory: Supinated Grip Barbell Rows and Hanging L-Sits

Strength: Power Clean
Workout: Intervals of 400m Runs, Power Cleans, and Pull Ups

Strength: Pause Overhead Squat
Workout: Descending ladder of Push Ups and Situps

Strength: Deadlift
Workout: DB Snatch, Toes-to-Bar, Double Under

Workout: Dumbbell Front Rack Lunges, Weighted Runs, and Single-Arm Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead
Accessory: Single Arm KB/DB High Pulls and Banded Lat Pull Downs

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