???? Thanks to everyone who ordered apparel! It should print within the next week or so and be shipped to the gym.
Monday: Back Squat strength work then Push Ups and Box Jumps after a Row buy-in.
Tuesday: Skill/strength time practicing the Hang Clean & Jerk then an ascending AMRAP with those and Pull Ups.
Wednesday: Deadlift singles! Conditioning work with Running, Burpees, and Air Squats.
Thursday: EMOM skill/strength with Toes-to-Bar, Box Step Ups, Strict Ring Dips, and Double Unders.
Friday: Build to a heavy triple Thruster then a quick couplet of Runs and Thrusters.
Saturday: Partner WOD! We’ve got heavy Russian KB Swings, Strict Pull Ups, Box Jump Overs, and Strict Handstand Push Ups.