Week Preview for 3/7/22

???? Final week of the Open and Friday Night Lights this week!  Go ahead and get signed up if you’re coming.

???? Current team standings:

Naval Oranges – 40

Wodding Rangers – 35

The Smurphs – 28

Purple Rain – 25

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We had a fun Friday Night Lights for Open WOD 22.2




Working the Front Squat with triples and a max set at the end.  You should increase load from the 5’s we’ve been doing.  Fun barbell couplet with an ascending ladder of light Power Snatches and Overhead Squats.  You should be able to hang on and keep moving through!



Push Press triples with the max set at the end.  Same setup as the front squat on Monday, increase load from last.  Conditioning is a lower volume triplet of Pull Ups, Double Unders, and 200m Runs.  Make sure you don’t rip or are super sore from the pulling volume as that is highly likely movement for Friday.  Should be a practice day here.



Power Cleans for strength time building to a heavy for the day.  Workout is a couplet of Box Jump Overs and Single-Arm Dumbbell Squat Clean Thrusters.  Goal is to move through a big range of motion today but you can go as hard or easy as needed as it’s a shorter AMRAP.



Bench Day!  We’ve got a few different rep options on the board but make sure you don’t blow those shoulders up any way you go.  Easy couplet of Cal Rows and Ab Mat Situps on a :90 clock and with rest.  Come in and sweat before we hit 22.3 tomorrow.


Open WOD 22.3 is TBA.  Announcement is on YouTube at 2pm.



Partner WOD!  The plan for now is Russian Kettlebell Swings, Med Ball Step Ups, Push Ups, and 200m Runs but that may change based on the 22.3 announcement.


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