???? The 2022 Open shirt/tank order has been shipped so we’ll have those soon. Charges will be ran on Monday tabs if you did order.
Push Press strength work going with max reps on the last set again so look back at your last loads and reps to compare. Workout goes from 10-1 with Strict Pull Ups, Power Cleans, and Push Jerks. You’ll want to break up the pull ups and power cleans early but push through the push jerks and breaking that up costs extra power cleans and time.
Same deal on the Front Squats for strength working max reps on the last set. Compare to last week. MetCon is a simple couplet of 200m Runs and Thrusters. Should be a moderate load that you can hold on to and get a great workout!
Practicing the Power Snatch for strength time then working through an AMRAP of Push Ups, Box Jumps, and V-Ups for conditioning. We should be starting to taper down intensity at this part of the week as we don’t know the Friday Open WOD yet. Feel free to push it if you won’t be here!
Working intervals today on Burpees, Russian Kettlebell Swings, and Double Unders. If you’re doing the Open on Friday then just cruise and get a good sweat. If you’re out tomorrow then you can push the intensity. Post WOD has a little strength work of Reverse Lunges, Monster Walks, and Banded Tricep Extensions.
Open WOD 22.2 – TBA
Partner WOD! You’ll have the opportunity to split reps as needed and also work in any order on this chipper of Strict Handstand Push Ups, Toes-to-Bar, and Cal Rows. Movements may change based on the 22.2 announcement.