???? That’s a wrap for the 2022 CFBR Open! Great work by everyone and I hope you had some fun for a few Friday Night Lights. Here’s your final team standings:
Naval Oranges – 55 Points
Woddin’ Rangers – 48 Points
Smurphs – 44 Points
Purple Rain – 41 Points
???? Next workout events coming up are Memorial Day Murph then our popular Summer League. Keep training and be ready to go!
Continuing our Push Press mini-cycle with singles today with a max rep on the final set. Should be shooting for 3-5 reps there. Slower paced conditioning workout with Strict Ring Dips, Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunges, and Ab Mat Situps.
Practicing a Snatch Complex for our strength/skill time. Focus on the drills to improve! Quick chipper WOD with a Row, Hang Power Snatches, and Lateral Burpees over the Bar so we’ll have a little intensity with pacing today.
Working the Front Squat mini-cycle with singles and a max set at the end. Same idea as the Push Press from Monday. Quick couplet of Power Cleans and Wall Balls so push the pace today for intensity.
Upper body and core strength workout as we work through Strict Pull Ups, Strict Knees to Elbow, and 200m Runs. Slower paced so challenge your progressions to get stronger. Post WOD accessory has Hip Extensions, Alternating DB Curls, and DB Tricep Extensions to finish the core and arm pump.
Lots of Deadlifts, building to a challenging triple for strength time then hitting a triplet of Deadlifts, Push Jerks, and Double Unders. That MetCon will be a fun barbell workout with a high heart rate the whole time.
Partner WOD! Splitting reps on an AMRAP clock working through Strict Handstand Push Ups, Box Jump Overs, and Single-Arm Dumbbell Squat Cleans.