Week Preview for 2/5/24

???? Testing Week for the Back Squat and Deadlift! We’re finishing up on Week 6 of 6 for this progressive overload strength cycle so let’s see some PRs if you’ve hit the days leading up to this.

???? The CFBR Open begins on 3/1/24 with our Friday Night Lights events. Save the dates for 3/1, 3/8, and 3/15 for some community fun on Friday nights!

Vance doing the Chad workout
Vance working through weighted step ups on Hero WOD “Chad”


Workout: Box Jumps, Russian Kettlebell Swings, and Burpees
Strength: Deadlift

Skill: Gymnastic Pulling – Muscle Up, Pull Up, etc.
Workout: Front Squats and Muscle Up/Pull Up

Strength: Push Jerk
Workout: Double Unders, Cardio (bike/row/run), and Shoulder to Overhead

Skill: Toes-to-Bar
Workout: Runs, T2B, Walking Lunges, and Plate Ground to Overhead

Workout: Rowing, Up-Downs, KB Goblet Squats
Strength: Back Squat

Skill/Strength: Hang Snatch and Wall Walks
Workout: Open WOD 22.1 has Wall Walks, DB Snatches, and Box Jump Overs

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