Week Preview for 1/29/24

???? Deload Week for Strength Cycle. You’ll be seeing 5×5 for those sessions. There should be no struggles during lifts on deload week! Keep great form and keep lifts snappy.

???? 2024 Open Shirts are on the way! Expecting to see the pre-orders arrive early February.

???? Friday Night Lights begins on 3/1/24 and will go for 3 Weeks total. Soon, we’ll be splitting everyone up on a team for those Friday Open workouts. They can be done in the morning but the night event is where the fun is at. More details will come as we get closer but for now, save the evenings for 3/1, 3/8, and 3/15 to hang out on Friday nights for a workout and community.

Peter back squat
Peter building strength with back squats


Workout: Intervals of Cal Rowing and Front Rack Lunges
Strength: Deadlift

Strength: Gymnastic Pulling (weighted pull up, etc.)
Workout: longer AMRAP of Double Unders, Pull Ups, and a Cardio Choice

Benchmark Workout: “Karen”
Strength: Back Squat

Skill: Hang Power Snatch
Workout: 2-parter with light Hang Power Snatch, Burpee over Bar, and Situps

Workout: long EMOM with Rope Climbs, 200m Runs, and Box Jumps

Strength: Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Hang Clean
Workout: “Open WOD 15.4” includes Handstand Push Ups and Power Cleans

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