Week Preview for 2/24/20


???? We are planning a normal class schedule this week with Mardi Gras.  Sign up now to make sure your class time stays on.

???? New Rx Bar flavor Vanilla Almond arrives this week!

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Ally doing wall balls



Monday:  Chipper style workout with light Power Snatch, Overhead Squats, Runs, and Pull Ups.

Tuesday: Deadlift strength work then AMRAP of Single-Arm Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean Thrusters and Dumbbell Box Step Ups.  Lots of lower body strength!

Wednesday:  Push Press triples then longer AMRAP of Push Ups, Situps, and Double Unders.

Thursday:  Long EMOM of Power Cleans.  Taking time to practice the lift and go as heavy as you feel for the day.

Friday:  Tempo Back Squat then intervals of Wall Balls and Handstand Walks.

Saturday: Partner WOD with Runs, Rope Climbs, and Hang Power Cleans.

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