???? We’re moving the Weightlifting Course back into March. Had some dates issues so we’ll announce new times in the FB group soon.
???? Now that we’ve completed a round of Level Method testing, you should have a better idea of your strengths & weaknesses. Have your goals changed since the last time we’ve met about them? Get in touch as I’d love to know your current goals and how we can help you achieve them.
Monday: Push Press strength work then a triplet of DB Snatch, Single-Arm DB Thrusters, and Strict Pull Ups. Short reps and keeping moving!
Tuesday: Chipper style workout with Wall Balls, Toes-to-Bar, Box Jumps, Target Burpees, and Double Unders.
Wednesday: Snatch work getting a few sets from the Hang then working from the floor for triples. Row conditioning to finish.
Thursday: Strength work on Back Squats then heavier Russian KB Swings with 100m Runs.
Friday: Clean practice then a triplet with Squat Cleans, Strict Ring Dips, and 200m Runs.
Saturday: In Teams of 3 – Rowing, Devil’s Press, and Chest to Bar Pull Ups.