Week Preview for 2/15/21

???? Are you participating in The CFBR Open this year?  Go comment in the FB group if so or shoot the office line a text if you’re not on Facebook!  Dates are 3/12, 3/19, and 3/26 for Friday Night Lights.  We’ll be finalizing teams this week and getting a link for the shirt order up.


IMG 6321
Troy working through deadlifts at our fall Friday Night Lights




Two parter hitting Deadlifts and Double Unders then a shoulder and core finisher of Push Press and Hollow Rocks.



Barbell complex during strength getting ready for the workout.  Descending ladder of Hang Squat Cleans and Burpee Strict Pull Ups.  Fun and challenging one here!



Bulgarian Split Squats for strength work then hitting a Row and Dumbbell Snatch workout.



Gymnastic skill work in an EMOM format.  Bar Muscle Ups, Strict Handstand Push Ups, and tall Box Jumps.  We’ll have plenty of progression options to keep you all moving!



Push Press strength with heavy singles then a triplet of short Rows or Runs, Overhead Squats, and Push Ups.



Partner workout with a descending ladder of Wall Balls and 400m Runs between sets.


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