Week Preview for 2/22/21

????️‍♂️ The 2021 CFBR Open is right around the corner starting on 3/12/21!  Teams have been posted to our FB Group and your email inbox.  If you’d like to join a team, reach out by text or email and we’ll get you added.  Team Shirt and Tank sales are up on our online store.  This is the last week to order so get on a team and get those orders in.


???? Shirt/Tank Open Order:  https://stores.inksoft.com/crossfitbr/shop/home


IMG 6378
Sean working on some burpees over the bar




Spicy little couplet of Clean & Jerks and Toes-to-Bar will start the week.  We’ll use strength time to practice the clean & jerk.



Quick Back Squat session then a triplet of 200m Runs, Air Squats, and Strict Ring Dips.



Bench Press for strength work then a tough AMRAP of Burpee Box Jump Overs and Pull Ups.



Working an Olympic Lift with strength work on the Hang Power Snatch then we have a few rounds of 400m Runs, Dumbbell Snatches, and Single Arm Dumbbell Walking Lunges.



Chipper Friday!  Cal Rows, Wall Balls, Deadlifts, Bar-Facing Burpees, and Bar-Muscle Ups.



Alternating full rounds with a partner as you work through Strict Pull Ups, Russian Kettlebell Swings, and Rows.

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