The Open starts next week! Get ready for some fun at Friday Night Lights on 2/25, 3/4, and 3/11.
Short runs, Strict Pull Ups, and a challenging Push Jerk load to kick things off. Strength time will feature the Push Press and ending with a max reps set.
Practicing the Clean for strength time then we’ve got higher intensity short couplet of Deadlifts and Lateral Burpees over the Bar. Stay focused on those deadlifts as you fatigue.
Breaking up the week with a fun chipper of Cal Rowing, Box Jump Overs, Toes-to-Bar, Power Cleans, and Bar Muscle Ups. It’s a descending ladder so less reps as you go! Practice pacing early so you have some left in the tank at the end. Post-WOD has accessory work of Lateral Box Step Ups and Banded Tricep Extensions.
Working on the Overhead Squat for strength time. Get those positions right before adding load! Conditioning is another somewhat intense couplet of Wall Balls and Double Unders.
Bench Day! Getting back on this and you’ll see bench days as we go through the Open. Conditioning is a Kettlebell “Annie” as we work through a descending ladder of Russian Kettlebell Swings and Ab Mat Situps.
Partner WOD alternating full rounds of Pull Ups, Squat Cleans, and Bar-Facing Burpees. It’s a quick round so push the pace and have some fun with this one making your partner go!