Week Preview for 2/1/21

???? Congrats to everyone who completed and/or attempted the 1000 Push Up Challenge in January!  Even if you got close I’m sure your push up endurance has improved.  Let’s see how that increased pushing strength helps in workouts this month.

???? The CrossFit Open is right around the corner now.  We’ll be posting in the private FB group soon about forming teams and having some fun on Friday Night Lights in March.  Reminder on dates:  3/12, 3/19, 3/26.

IMG 5081
Aaron getting air time on lateral burpees over the dumbbell




Practicing the Snatch then working with a lighter load under fatigue in the triplet of 200m Runs, Power Snatches, and Overhead Squats.  Rep scheme is set to keep you moving!



Starting with the main workout of Wall Balls, Pull Ups, and Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunges.  Bigger reps to be challenging so pace early as needed to keep quality and moving later in the workout.  Accessory strength work on the rings post-WOD.



Overhead strength work (either Split Jerk, Push Jerk, or Push Press) followed by an AMRAP of light Hang Power Clean & Jerks, Lateral Burpees over the Bar, and Double Unders.  You can really up the intensity this day if up for it or keep moving at a solid pace.



Tempo Front Squats to build positional strength will start the session.  Conditioning work is 400m Runs, Box Jumps, and Strict Handstand Push Ups.  Find a good pace and just keep moving through this one.



Quick Deadlift session going 3 x 3 then a challenging triplet of Cal Rows, Russian Kettlebell Swings, and Toes-to-Bar.  It’ll get grippy so be smart with your breaks early and rests to a minimum later in the workout.



Partner AMRAP workout starts with a 1-mile run buy-in (reduce as needed) then you’ll work together executing reps of Double Unders, Single-Arm Dumbbell Shoulder-to-Overhead, and Single-Arm Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans.



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