???? Schedule will be same as last week. 9am ONLY on Thursday (NYE) and Closed on Friday (New Year’s Day).
???? One last Level Method test this week on Tuesday with Squat Endurance.
???? See the TRAIN notes section each day in your Beyond the Whiteboard app for Coaching Notes and Tips for the day, updates for the week, as well as the daily warmup.
Hitting a quick Deadlift session with moderate loading then working through a triplet of Single-Arm Dumbbell Thrusters, Push Ups, and Double Unders. Sure to be a shoulder burner workout and a full body day.
Level Method Testing the Squat Endurance category then we have an AMRAP of Strict Pull Ups, Power Snatches, and Bar-Facing Burpees. It’s a low rep scheme so you’ll hang on and keep moving.
Bench Day! Then we’ve got Toes-to-Bar, Heavy Russian Kettlebell Swings, and 200m Runs for a moderate volume but challenging workout.
9am ONLY for this final Partner WOD of the year. It’s a two-parter starting with Heavy Power Cleans and 400m Runs followed by Box Jump Overs and Pull Ups.
CLOSED – Happy New Year!
Starting the New Year with a longer Partner workout with Row/Bike, Single-Arm Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans, and Single-Arm Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch. Grind through these reps and let’s kick off 2021.