Week Preview for 1/4/20

🔷 Kicking off the first week in the new year!  Book those classes early to get a spot and keep yourself accountable.  Please be sure to cancel as early as possible for any class you cannot attend so someone else may use that spot in case it is full.

🔷 We’ve done a ton of testing over the last month and a half and while it is super fun and rewarding to see all of the progress, now it is time to get back to training for awhile so we can see that progress again in a few months.  Not every day can be a PR day so it’s time to grind out some quality work in training.

🔷 The next big workout event will be the CrossFit Games Open starting on March 11th.  For 2021 this will be a 3-week event that we will host each Friday Night at the gym.  Registration will open on 1/7/21 to be included in the online worldwide leaderboard!


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Rahul rocking through Overhead Squats




Starting off with Tempo Front Squats.  It’s a long bottom hold so this will be done with a moderate to slightly challenging load while we build time under tension.  Light AMRAP for conditioning with Air Squats and Hang Power Cleans to build volume in a shorter time frame.



Gymnastics skill work with progressions on Strict Handstand Push Ups and Strict Pull Ups then a steady paced conditioning workout of Double Unders, Russian Kettlebell Swings, and Box Jumps.  Getting volume over a little longer period.



Going overhead with Push Press strength work then hitting rounds of 400m Runs and Power Snatches trying to push the pace as able while practicing good habits on the barbell.



Interval workout with Cal Rows, Single-Arm Dumbbell Thrusters, and Lateral Burpees over the Dumbbell.  Rest times are included in this one so you can up the intensity or take it back a notch if you’ve been in all week.



Building to a heavy barbell complex of Deadlifts, Hang Power Cleans, and Push Jerks to start the day.  Conditioning work involves Dumbbell Power Cleans, Dumbbell Push Jerks, and 200m Runs to finish out the work week.



Partner workout splitting reps on a descending ladder of Wall Balls, Dumbbell Snatches, and Pull Ups.  Strap in for a longer morning workout!

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